CICA 1993 April
CICA MS Windows - April 1993.iso
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File List
104 lines
CICA MS Windows CDROM, April 93 edition. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Windows Font Files
path: \win3\fonts
file name size date description
------------ ---- ---- ----------------------------
aardvark.zip 26150 06-09-92 Aardvark Font
animal.zip 228687 04-12-92 Animal Shape Font
ansikey.zip 33776 08-31-92 Another Font Viewer
architec.zip 87896 04-12-92 Yet Another Architect Font
arc13p.zip 28833 04-12-92 Architect Handwriting Type 1 Font
autofont.zip 39999 04-12-92 HP AutoFont Support System
bedrock.zip 18676 04-12-92 Bedrock Font
befit10.zip 66577 02-09-93 Scale fonts to fit document to page
bizarr.zip 37184 06-09-92 Display Caps-Only Font of Shadowed Bizarre
| Chars
blkcha.zip 27271 04-12-92 Black Chancery Type 1 Font
cafont11.zip 15147 12-13-92 CheckAllFonts, verification/search for
| PostScript fonts
caligu.zip 30057 04-12-92 Crude Calligraphic Bitmap Type 1 Font
chitown.zip 28480 04-12-92 Chicago-like Type 1 Font
chpsf301.zip 90942 04-12-92 Chinese characters in Kaishu style
cmps1_64.zip 85504 11-21-92 View Fonts/Compose Chars
cocacola.zip 13627 06-09-92 Coca Cola Font
cop_goth.zip 30019 04-12-92 Engraver-Light PS Font
cw_distr.zip 341510 07-25-92 Cyrillic (Russian) keyboard driver and screen
| fonts
cw_src.zip 61381 07-25-92 Source for cw_distr.zip
diego1.zip 50814 04-12-92 San Diego?-like Type 1 Font
dmpfm153.zip 26611 07-19-92 DumpPfm: Printer Font Metrics Dumper (ver
| 1.53)
dosfonts.zip 11575 04-12-92 Change Fonts in DOS Window
durango.zip 55567 04-12-92 Durango Font
dw101.zip 22475 07-25-92 DownWind: Soft font downloader
finfo.zip 23872 04-12-92 FontInfo: Print/Display All Fonts
fmonst2a.zip 168880 03-06-93 Font Monster, view TT fonts & edit names,
| families
fntsee24.zip 21561 12-04-92 FontSee: Print All Available Fonts
fntcnt.zip 31680 07-22-92 Font Control Panel
fntlin10.zip 9471 03-23-93 Stretch or rotate a line of text
fntprn.zip 38433 03-23-93 PCMAG's Font Cataloging Utility and Source
fonter60.zip 64284 03-23-93 View, print, select from all installed fonts
fontlist.zip 18432 04-12-92 Font Enumeration Program (with C Source)
fontsh50.zip 442600 09-11-92 FontShow Version 5
fonts.zip 940028 08-13-90 PostScript Type 1 Screen Fonts
fontslzh.txt 1973 04-12-92 Listing of files in fonts.zip
garmnd1.zip 44767 04-12-92 Garamond Type 1 Font
garrett.zip 59249 04-12-92 Yet Another Font
gdips120.zip 628739 04-12-92 120 DPI (8514 resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio
| Screen Fonts
gdips_96.zip 501124 04-12-92 96 DPI (VGA resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio
| Screen Fonts
gralig.zip 28558 04-12-92 GraphicLight Type 1 Font
heidelbe.zip 37675 04-12-92 Calligraphic Heidelberg Font Like MacHumaine)
ifw11.zip 1500672 04-12-92 Hewlett Packard Intellifont Kit Ver 1.1
iglesia.zip 48793 04-12-92 Iglesia Font
kaufmann.zip 27035 04-12-92 Kaufmann:Bold Screen Font
loadfont.zip 155520 10-06-92 Point-and-Shoot Fonts to the Printer
machineb.zip 40032 04-12-92 MachineBlock Font
mariage.zip 27029 04-12-92 Mariage Screen Font
miamib.zip 27691 04-12-92 Miami Beach Light Font
midd1.zip 68242 04-12-92 Middleton Type 1 Font
news.zip 23065 04-12-92 News Screen Font
okfonts.zip 23913 11-30-92 Util to Check Systems Fonts
oldtown.zip 18702 04-12-92 Old Town Screen Font
pa50.zip 238805 08-29-92 Printer's Apprentice Font Management System
| (v5.0)
palladam.zip 144196 04-12-92 Palladam Tamil Font
pcx2font.zip 35328 10-06-92 Convert mono .PCX images to HPLJ portrait
| soft font
pfbview.zip 42956 04-12-92 PFB File Viewer (beta)
previe.zip 23640 04-12-92 Preview1.0: A Tool to Preview Windows Fonts
psx200.zip 70852 04-12-92 PSX - PostScript Soft Font Downloader
recycle.zip 95765 04-12-92 Recycle Font
redlette.zip 128544 04-12-92 RedLetter Font
refont11.zip 27045 04-12-92 Type 1 Font Utility: Use MAC Type 1 w/Windows
rentt.zip 16858 08-19-92 DOS Util to Rename TrueType Fonts
roissy.zip 25587 04-12-92 Roissy:Bold Screen Font
saloon.zip 139881 04-12-92 SaloonExt Font
savannah.zip 71948 04-12-92 Savannah Fats Font
sgaon.zip 160696 06-23-92 Bengali Fonts for Windows
show.zip 44858 04-12-92 Type 1 Font
slabface.zip 93085 04-12-92 SlabFace Font (very bold)
sntfra.zip 23018 04-12-92 Mac San Francisco Font
stencilc.zip 54469 04-12-92 Stencil Font
stfranci.zip 68977 04-12-92 StFrancis Font (like Mac San Francisco)
symbol8.zip 13069 04-12-92 Symbol Screen Font
tiempo.zip 47419 04-12-92 Type 1 Font
ttinfo.zip 94560 08-01-92 TrueType Information Utility
typeface.zip 6102 07-30-92 Typefacial Type Viewer
typevw10.zip 9343 04-12-92 TypeView: Display/Print Available Faces
| (uses ATM)
ultrabla.zip 49941 04-12-92 UltraBlack<?> Font
vbfont.zip 7040 04-12-92 Display/Print Available Fonts
vectrfon.zip 12153 04-12-92 Scalable Vector Screen Fonts
vireofon.zip 73212 04-12-92 VireoFonts Font
westsd.zip 53637 04-12-92 Type 1 Font like the New Yorker Magazine
winbdf.zip 195081 04-12-92 ViewBDF: X11R4 .bdf font files w/font size
| 16x16
wgreek18.zip 296320 03-07-93 WinGreek: Greek and Hebrew Package for
| Windows 3.x
woafon13.zip 32816 07-13-92 Larger fonts for Windows DOS boxes in SVGA
| modes